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A typical VoIP provider offers UNLIMITED MINUTES for $25 (or 500 minutes for $15 per month) to any United States number.

International rates are also substantially cheaper than conventional land-line phones.

Broadband services are about $40-$50 per month.

Savings - To Switch or Not

Already have broadband service... and your current land-line phone bill is over $25 then a switch to VoIP service will save you money -- VoIP costs about $25 for UNLIMITED MINUTES (or $15 for 500 minutes per month) to any United States number. International rates are also substantially cheaper than conventional land-line phones.

If you do not have broadband service... and your current phone bill is over $75 then a then a switch to VoIP service with boroadband will save you money. A typical broadband connection is about $45 and the VoIP service is $25 for UNLIMITED MINUTES for a total of $70. So now you can save while you talk more AND have a high-speed internet connection - all for about $70.

Additional Line... A VoIP service is great for an additional line especially if you use a lot of long-distance calls - unlimted minutes for $25 where features galore.

DSL with VoIP may not be cost effective... If you go the DSL route, though cheaper than broadband, you will still need to keep your regular telephone line which adds to the cost. With DSL you would be paying for three services: a regular telephone line, DSL service, and VoIP service. So a VoIP service through DSL is not advised.

The costs above are estimates for typical configurations that can help you decide the service that is best for you. Links to major VoIP providers Sunrocket, Vonage, ViaTalk, Verizon, Packet8, Lingo
